The Green Boat by Mary Pipher


Mary Pipher's new book is a wonderful description of the trauma, anxiety, joy and comfort of facing the impossible by coming together to take action against the odds.
Mary Pipher’s new book is a wonderful description of the trauma, anxiety, joy and comfort of facing the impossible by coming together to take action against the odds.


Living on Earth: Saving Ourselves- The Green Boat

Click on the link above to listen to “Living On Earth” radio interview with Mary Pipher, best-selling author of Reviving Ophelia, as she describes her inspiring journey into activism, and discusses her new book, The Green Boat, Reviving Ourselves in Our Capsized Culture. In her interviews, her actions, and in her book, she says it much better than I can, so check your speaker volume and tune in.

A grandmother herself, Mary Pipher turns her attention to the psychological roots of our difficulty in facing and addressing climate change, and to her own struggle against despair, trying to cope with the impending loss of everything we care for, which led her to take action in her community.


Now enjoy Video (below) of the Grandmothers Apple Pie Brigade, a group Mary Pipher helped found with her friends and neighbors to take on the Keystone XL pipeline when it came to her home in Nebraska. An unlikely group of activists comes together to spread a unifying vision of what makes home.

3 thoughts on “The Green Boat by Mary Pipher

    1. Calm down John, it’s alright. Yes, it seems sometimes you can never be too careful, living in a world where people often see the other side as a threat; but John we’ve been over this before…

      Grandmothers are not terrorists.

      At least not the ones in rocking chairs who invite people over for coffee, give out apple pies to their elected leaders and do good things for the grandchildren.

      In fact, I’d have to say apple-pie-baking grandmothers make the opposite of “terror”.

      To be more precise, they make yummy things with lots of love..

      Don’t you agree?

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